Brand Language


The following are all trademarks held by the Center for Courage & Renewal:

  • Courage to Teach®
  • Courage to Lead®
  • Courage & Renewal®
  • Circle of Trust®
  • Healing the Heart of Democracy®
  • The Courage Way®

When you use these program names or phrases, please capitalize and use the ® in the first mention in the document or online (it’s optional to use it after that), and please reference the Center for Courage & Renewal.


Courage & Renewal Facilitator

Please use the title “Courage & Renewal Facilitator” when referring to your relationship with CCR. If you’d like, this can be extended to say “Courage & Renewal Facilitator prepared by the Center for Courage & Renewal.” Please do not use other phrasings, including “Courage Facilitator” or “Circle of Trust Facilitator.” Courage & Renewal Facilitators play a vital role in our mission by using the Courage & Renewal approach to independently organize and lead immersive Circle of Trust retreats and other programs, creating trustworthy spaces for connecting with our inner teacher and connecting with institutional and community partners to grow the awareness and meaningful application of our approach.


Courage & Renewal® Approach

We now refer to our approach as the “Courage & Renewal approach.” We no longer refer to this as the “Circle of Trust approach.” When referencing the Courage & Renewal® approach in a title, attribution statement, or for the first time in a given text, the registered trademark symbol “®” should always be included.

The Courage & Renewal approach is distinguished by principles and practices intended to create supportive communities of reflection and belonging that help people move towards personal and societal wholeness. You can find more language and resources about the approach on the website here.


“Circle of Trust® Retreat” // “Circle of Trust® Program”

When referring to the most immersive experience of the Courage & Renewal approach that you offer to participants, please refer to it as a “Circle of Trust® retreat” or “Circle of Trust® program.” When referencing the Circle of Trust® retreat or program in a title, attribution statement, or for the first time in a given text, the registered trademark symbol “®” should always be included.

Circle of Trust retreats offer participants the most immersive experience of the Courage & Renewal approach. During retreats, we co-create trustworthy space to do our own inner work in community with others. Circles of Trust help us listen to the wisdom of our inner teacher, honor each person’s identity and integrity, and renew our courageous spirit as we journey towards personal and societal wholeness. You can find more language about Circle of Trust retreats on the website here.


Clearness Committee

The Clearness Committee describes a discernment process rooted in Quaker tradition. Parker Palmer describes the Clearness Committee as “a method that protects individual identity and integrity while drawing on the wisdom of other people.” When you reference Clearness Committees, please capitalize the first letter of both words. You can find more language about Clearness Committees and guidelines for facilitating Clearness Committees on the website here.