Welcome to the Heart of Higher Education Online Event: The Beauty that Sustains Us


Wednesday, June 15 – Saturday, June 18, 2022

Session times

10:00am – 2:00pm Central Time, USA

Demoralized, burned out, tired, anxious, stressed…
Are these words familiar? If they are, you’re not alone. These are difficult times. From the recent release of the UN report on climate change, to threats to our democracy, the swirl of ongoing concerns about human health and the consequences of racial injustice, many in higher education feel weary, as we continue to support the needs of so many people on our campuses. With our busy, complex lives, it is easy to lose touch with that which is most important to us, that which keeps us alive.

Beautiful, surprising, enjoyable, awake, aware….
Yet amid the pain and challenges, there lies beauty. It is often found in the ordinariness of our days – the simple joy of making a real connection with a colleague, the astonishing encounter in the natural world, a pause in the fullness of a day to watch a group of students laughing, the unexpected kindness of a stranger, the young person who returns to say that we were the one who made a difference.

We are so glad you have chosen to join this online gathering of educators as we seek, explore, and sustain the beauty in our work in higher education.

The planning and design team acknowledges Cornell University and the Center for Courage & Renewal for their support of this event.

Planning and Design Team

Marcia Eames-Sheavly
T. Sharee Fowler
Judy Skeen
Peter S. Brouwer
Karen Harding
Chris Johnson
Paul Michalec
Paula Pedersen

Zoom Links

Full Group



Community Circles


Co-Facilitators: Mary Kaye Siebert & Nancy Edmundson

Daily Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81629061739?pwd=TDk0VGJjWTM1Zy8ybGNGY1ovbEQ1dz09



Co-Facilitators: Paula Pedersen & Karen Harding

Daily Zoom Link: https://cornell.zoom.us/j/93033612207?pwd=UWh4anZwWk9wNHpoeUhId0k4b1YxZz09&from=addon



Co-Facilitators: Andy Roach & Sharee Fowler

Daily Zoom Link: 




Co-Facilitators: Barbara Reid & Kirstin Anglea

Daily Zoom Link: 



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