This retreat invites you to envision a second half of life that calls forth your truest self and unique purpose, and to explore what it means to be an “elder” in the deepest sense: when our lived years contribute to a special wisdom, vision, and wholeness that are shared for the benefit of the community and society. Coming into this wholeness and living an undivided life is a lifelong process, and it continues into elderhood.
In addition to experiencing, reflecting on, and discussing cultural expressions (such as poems, stories, music, and art) that invite us to consider what it means to be an elder and how we might cultivate purpose in the second half of life, we will explore the development of elderhood through our interdependent relationships with the more-than-human world, from nature outside our window all the way up to the greater universe story. Inspired by ecologist Suzanne Simard’s revelations about how forests are communities that are cooperative, collaborative, communicative, and reciprocal, we will consider how we can be the elder trees that nurture, support, and pass wisdom to others for the health and well-being of the entire community. In doing so, we will explore how engaging in “conversations” with nature can lead to an enriched second half of life, and we will invite participants to encounter the beautiful prairie and woods of our gathering place for contemplation, relationship, and inspiration. Prairiewoods’ revered 300-year-old Grandmother Oak will be our touchstone for the weekend.
This retreat welcomes participants of all ages and at any stage of life.
The Center for Courage & Renewal and its facilitators do not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, age, height, weight, physical or mental ability, veteran status, military obligations, and marital status.