Program Calendar

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No matter what program you attend, you’ll experience the Courage & Renewal approach, a social technology of time-tested principles and practices that reveal what’s possible when we create space to hear our inner teacher and honor the inherent worth and dignity of every human being.

Finding Courage in the Company We Keep

Join us for a monthly three hour session through Zoom, an international community exploring how all that we encounter can enable us to build and act from courageous hearts.

  • 27 Jul - 14 Dec 2024
  • online

Practicing Courage in a Time of Polarization

A growing divide within our personal and professional lives is provoking a polarization that has far-reaching consequences. It not only is damaging relationships but also is leading to divisions that pose a threat to our democratic society. Join us in our five-session experience offering hope for a different future.

  • 05 Aug - 07 Oct 2024
  • online

Foundations of the Courage & Renewal Approach – (Aug/Sept 2024 – Thursdays, 3pm-5pm ET)

Throughout 5 online sessions, learn how the values, principles, and practices of the Courage & Renewal® approach, taken together, create trustworthy spaces to explore questions of meaning, purpose, and how to live authentically with integrity and courage.

  • 08 Aug - 05 Sep 2024
  • online

Still We Heal: A Courage & Renewal Retreat Series for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) Spiritual Leaders & Activists

As BIPOC leaders committed to diverse spiritual lineages, we are called to live into our Best, Brilliant and Wise selves in even more Courageous and Powerful ways, especially now. Join us in retreat to listen, rest, restore, experiment, play, and create new/old pathways and practices to be in community and to rediscover ease and wellbeing within ourselves.

  • 08 Aug - 07 Nov 2024
  • online

Creative Seasons Retreat

Creativity flourishes when we’re connected to purpose and spirit. To nurture a joyful and sustainable creative practice, we need to draw on our inner resources. We invite you to join us, in community, to listen deeply to what is calling you forward in whatever creative season you find yourself in.

  • 09 - 11 Aug 2024
  • Denmark, WA, Australia

Searching For The Soul of Justice in Sacred & Storied Places

Join us for this inspirational Circle of Trust Retreat, one that opens a door to history and an opportunity to engage in deep conversations about justice and humanity. Be part of an experience that invites us to share our lived-experiences, listen to the voices and stories of those who came before us, providing a unique space for questioning and understanding, and creating a path toward healing and building benevolent community.

  • 11 - 15 Aug 2024
  • Montgomery and Selma, Alabama

Becoming the Elder Tree: Purpose in the Second Half of Life

Join us to envision a second half of life that calls forth your truest self and unique purpose through our interdependent relationships with the more-than-human world, from nature outside our window all the way up to the greater universe story.

  • 16 - 18 Aug 2024
  • Hiawatha, IA, USA

Black Women’s Radical Self-Love (Mini) Retreats 2023-2024

Remembering our self-worth is one of the best things black women can do. Doing inner work with other black women makes this more possible.

  • 17 Aug 2024
  • online

Minding the Gap: A Yoga and Circle of Trust Retreat

You are enough. In cultures where competition, rank, and personal achievement are prioritized over collaboration, connection, and communal success, how do we find our center and live from that deep place of knowing? This Circle of Trust® retreat invites you to explore your innate “enoughness” and to practice how to “be” in this fantastic and fragmented journey called life.

  • 30 Aug - 01 Sep 2024
  • Keezletown, Virginia, USA

Friendship, Community, and Resilience in a Time of Turbulent Earth Change: A Circle of Trust® Retreat

We are calling an intergenerational, diverse group of people, who long to explore a generative approach to discovering the presence of community as we practice radical hospitality with self, other, and the natural world.

  • 06 - 08 Sep 2024
  • Bangor, PA, USA

Foundations of the Courage & Renewal Approach for BIPOC – (Sept/Oct 2024 – Tuesdays, 3pm-5pm ET)

Throughout 5 online sessions, learn how the values, principles, and practices of the Courage & Renewal® approach, taken together, create trustworthy spaces to explore questions of meaning, purpose, and how to live authentically with integrity and courage.

  • 10 Sep - 08 Oct 2024
  • online

What’s Next? A Call to Elderhood for Turbulent Times

"Can one be passionate about the just, the ideal, the sublime, and the holy, and yet commit to no labor in its cause? I don’t think so." (Mary Oliver-Excerpt from "What I Have Learned So Far") Consider joining us for this three-day in-person Circle of Trust® commuter retreat in the rolling hills of middle Tennessee, just a short drive from Nashville. We will explore the transitional what’s next question through the lens of aging and a call to elderhood as a societal imperative.

  • 12 - 14 Sep 2024
  • Franklin, Tennessee, USA

The Courage To Teach® One Day Retreat for Personal & Professional Renewal

Come join others like yourself who understand the challenges of sustaining the passion for the teaching profession, and discover a unique kind of professional development-one that will provide opportunities to deepen your understanding of true self and also refill your energy and vigor as a teacher.

  • 13 Sep 2024
  • Lawrence, KS

Transitions: Creating the Life You Most Want NOW in Sonoma, California

World-class wineries and breathtaking scenery await you on this adventure retreat. A soulful blend of scenic hiking, educational insights, and deep, meaningful conversations await you as you spend considerable time each day in nature, admiring and reflecting on the unique and impressive panoramas found in Sonoma County, California.

  • 15 - 21 Sep 2024
  • Sonoma, California

The Courage To Belong: Restoring Identity and Integrity for Self & System

This is a four-session immersive online event, where you are invited to experience how the values, principles, and practices of the Courage & Renewal® approach foster and develop belonging. Dr Saiyyidah says 'as you develop your relationship with your inner teacher you start to belong in your own skin more and when you understand what belonging is for you then you can help others to feel like they have a sense of belonging. I think that just makes the world feel better and is expansive for humanity.'

  • 21 - 29 Sep 2024
  • online

Leading from Within: Tending to our Hearts (An Online Circle of Trust for Korean Speaking Clergy)

This circle will focus on inner leadership for Korean speaking pastors in both the USA and Korea. As we create a safe space of support and protection for each other, we will lay the groundwork for listening more deeply to our inner voice.

  • 23 Sep - 25 Nov 2024
  • online

Rediscover Your Purpose in Santa Fe, New Mexico

On this retreat, you will be inspired by the mystery and magic of the scenic landscapes and cultural richness of the Santa Fe area in New Mexico.

  • 28 Sep - 04 Oct 2024
  • Santa Fe, NM

It Takes a Village: Finger Lakes, NY

This Circle of Trust® for women will explore our part to play during difficult times. Come to sit with others for inspiration and support as we aim to listen deeply, live congruently, and respond boldly -- to heal and grow on behalf of ourselves, our community, and this beloved Earth.

  • 03 Oct 2024 - 06 Mar 2025
  • Trumansburg, NY USA

Courageous Awakenings:  Integration for a Renewed Life, Theme: Paradox in Transition

Experience the autumnal shift at Courageous Awakenings. Set in serene Pendle Hill, where Parker Palmer himself found insight, this 3-night retreat offers a sacred space to reflect and grow. As the leaves change, so can you—transitioning from what was, to what is, and what may be.

  • 03 - 06 Oct 2024
  • Wallingford, PA

Walk in Beauty: Pilgrimage of El Camino de Santiago, Spain A Kinder Camino

El Camino: An Epic Journey Awaits You! This journey offers stunning natural landscapes, lodging in charming rural farmhouse inns and manor houses, regional-delicious local cuisine, and a full rest day.

  • 11 - 19 Oct 2024
  • Santiago de Compostela, Spain

The Daring Camino de Santiago – Spain

Reunite mind, body, and spirit, connecting with like-minded individuals while traveling through this historic and sacred pilgrimage of El Camino de Santiago, Spain.

  • 12 - 19 Oct 2024
  • El Camino de Santiago, Spain

Leading From Within: Nurturing the Heart of the Leader (A Seasonal Retreat Series)

This series of four seasonal retreats invite us to renew heart, mind, spirit, and explore the inner landscape of our lives. Together, we create confidential and courageous spaces for learning and growing together, in solitude and community.

  • 24 Oct 2024 - 23 Aug 2025
  • Gull Lake, MI

Claim Your Courage on Washington Island, WI: A Courage & Renewal® Weekend

This 3-day retreat is open to all who are seeking to live with authenticity, claim voice and agency, and explore the wisdom of their inner teacher.

  • 25 - 27 Oct 2024
  • Washington Island, Wisconsin

Embracing Paradox: A Courage to Lead Retreat

Autumn is a season that invites us into paradox. Growth fades and the abundance of the year is harvested while the seeds of new beginnings are released. Within our lives and in the realm of our work as leaders, activists, or change-makers, we are regularly asked to hold the tensions of paradox.

  • 25 - 27 Oct 2024
  • Portland, OR

Courage to Teach®: A Gift of Nature & Renewal for K-12 Educators

What about the whole teacher? In this Courage to Teach® two-part retreat series we invite all educators to gift themselves with this “planned pause”, an opportunity to slow down and hold time and space for relaxation, reflection and rejuvenation in the beautiful natural setting of the Hale Education campus in Westwood, MA.

  • 26 Oct - 23 Nov 2024
  • Westwood, MA (USA)

The Power of Wonder and Awe: Reclaiming Beauty as a Revolutionary Act

This Circle of Trust® retreat is offered as a space to reconnect with curiosity, awe, and wonder, cultivating a deeper appreciation for beauty in the world, even as we witness pain and suffering.

  • 01 - 03 Nov 2024
  • Van Etten, NY

Joy, Meaning & Purpose in Sedona, AZOY,

This awe-inspiring retreat, meant to set your soul on fire, will use the stunning vistas and natural energy of Sedona to rejuvenate and revitalize your mind, body, and spirit like no other experience.

  • 03 - 09 Nov 2024
  • Sedona, AZ

Foundations of the Courage & Renewal Approach – (Nov/Dec 2024 – Tuesdays, 6pm-8pm ET)

Throughout 5 online sessions, learn how the values, principles, and practices of the Courage & Renewal® approach, taken together, create trustworthy spaces to explore questions of meaning, purpose, and how to live authentically with integrity and courage.

  • 12 Nov - 10 Dec 2024
  • online

Attending to True Self in Turbulent Times

Feeling unsettled in our turbulent world? This weekend retreat offers nourishing and guided space to deepen your connection to true self, re-establish a greater sense of inner integrity and discover what truly wants to flow through you.

  • 15 - 17 Nov 2024
  • Somerset, United Kingdom

Navigating Life Changes: A Retreat on The Ghost River

To find our way takes courage, an open heart and insight, especially in these confusing times. In a trustworthy guided process, we can help each other to rediscover our sense of direction.

  • 27 Nov - 01 Dec 2024
  • Cochrane, Alberta, Canada

Holding the Shadow and the Light: A Courage to Lead Retreat for Women

This Courage to Lead® retreat for women is an opportunity to explore the heart and soul of leadership—including how we can bring greater integrity to our work in the world, and tap into the support available within the resources of community.

  • 03 - 06 Dec 2024
  • Corbett, Oregon

Ordinary Sacred: Writing into Being

Please join us for a one-and-a-half-day poetry retreat as we notice and honor the “ordinary sacred” as a doorway into quieting the busyness of our lives and being with it all, just as it is.

  • 05 - 06 Dec 2024
  • online

The Wild Creative Sojourn: Voyaging Beyond the Fear of Failure

Please join us for this Wild Creative Sojourn as we voyage into and through the landscape of the fear of failure—taking some risks, discovering some gifts, and setting wise intentions for change.

  • 13 - 15 Feb 2025
  • online

Living in Alignment A Women’s Yoga and Circle of TrustⓇ Retreat

Consider joining KIrstin Anglea and Phoenix Ries for their 4th annual Yoga/Circle of TrustⓇ retreat that will light you up from the inside and guide you towards balance and alignment. We will use a delicious variety of daily yoga and Circle of Trust practices throughout our week together.

  • 02 - 08 Mar 2025
  • Baja California Sur

Design the Life You Love in Guatemala

Wow, what an incredible opportunity to embark on a journey of self-discovery and cultural immersion in the stunning setting of Antigua, Guatemala! The combination of breathtaking natural landscapes, rich historical heritage, and the warmth of the local culture surely makes for an unforgettable retreat experience.

  • 08 - 14 Mar 2025
  • Antigua, Guatemala

The Quickening: Writing into Doing

Please join us for a one-and-a-half-day poetry retreat as we explore through writing how it is we want to meet the world, what gifts we have to offer—and what is being asked of us at this time.

  • 13 - 14 Mar 2025
  • online

The Third Act: A Retreat in Sacred Bali

Envision your Third Act and your authentic life. A week to explore the magic of Bali, soulful self learning, yoga, adventures and life-changing encounters.

  • 17 - 24 Mar 2025
  • Ubud, Bali
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