Chelsey Hillyer is our Collaboration Coordinator and works primarily with our global network of Courage & Renewal Facilitators to foster a community of support and formation. As a Courage & Renewal Facilitator, Chelsey has had the opportunity to support institutions, groups, and individuals as they discern and live out their particular gifts and offerings in the world, especially as they relate to social and environmental justice. Some of Chelsey’s vocational interests include: the intersection of spirituality and ecology, nonviolent practice and communication, and creative writing. In these capacities, they had the honor of serving as the Ragdale Foundation’s inaugural Anne Searle Bent Spiritual Writer-in-Residence. They live in Jefferson City, Missouri, USA with their spouse, daughter, dog, and a whole mess of composting worms. In all arenas of their life, Chelsey believes in the revolutionary power of interpersonal relationships to foster love, trust, and compassion.
Favorite quote
Our life is a faint tracing on the surface of mystery...We must somehow take a wider view, look at the whole landscape, really see it, and describe what's going on here. Then we can at least wail the right question into the swaddling band of darkness, or, if it comes to that, choir the proper praise."
Annie Dillard
Book Recommendation
Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings
Joy Harjo
What I Do For Fun, Rest, and Renewal
My heart sings when I read a good book, when I get my hands in the dirt, and when I sit by a river (of which there are many where I live). I am most centered when I have a heartfelt one-on-one conversation, when I put my feet in water, and when I experience live music. I enjoy being silly by laughing, dancing, punning, wearing ridiculous socks.