Alan Claassen is a Courage & Renewal® Facilitator prepared by the Center for Courage & Renewal®. He has long believed that the arts open pathways to our heart and soul, and move us to be compassionate toward all creation. In the Circle of Trust l® approach to personal authenticity and social responsibility, Alan has found a practice that brings together his love of creativity, people, and non-violence. Alan has facilitated CCR retreats, and has been a community group facilitator and song leader for national CCR events. He and his beloved partner live in Vancouver, Washington where they enjoy kayaking, hiking, and attending music concerts and modern dance performances.
Favorite quote
Lay down your weary tune, lay down
Lay down the song you strum
And rest yourself 'neath the strength of strings
No voice can hope to hum…
Bob Dylan
Book Recommendation
Hannah Coulter
Wendell Berry
Where I'm Finding Inspiration
Listening to the land, the music of home grown musicians, the patience of my beloved partner, the explorations of my children, and the evolution of the Center for Courage & Renewal, continuing to search for the heart of democracy in all our relations.
What I Do For Fun, Rest, and Renewal
Play guitar, learn and write songs, attend music concerts, kayak on calm waters, hike through forests and beaches, get on my knees and weed, read, and savor dark chocolate and red wine.
Organizations I've Worked With
Bread & Roses
Northwest Earth Institute
City Celebration
San Francisco State University Campus Ministry
The Christian Church, (Disciples of Christ) and the United Church of Christ as an Interim Minister