Anthony Sandusky is an ordained Baptist minister, educator, social entrepreneur, and advocate with over a decade of experience working among the intersections of “faith” and “justice” in different religious communities. For eight years, he was a professor at two institutions of higher learning in the department of Philosophy & Religious Studies. Finally, Anthony has consulted with businesses and nonprofit organizations in the areas of transformative leadership, organizational growth and development. He is committed to the areas of creative innovation, soulful leadership, equity, and social change.

Anthony founded the Village Life Foundation, a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide holistic support and communal renewal for populations devastated by mass incarceration, various forms of violence, and poverty. Throughout the organization, Circles of Trust® principles and practices, along with Rites of Passage programming are embedded and serve as the seedbeds for transformation and new hope for those who encounter the work.

Additionally, Anthony began Integrity and Heart Consulting which invites individual and organizational clients to engage in a deep exploration of the interior and exterior resources to shape their leadership potential, and capacity to endure seasons of transition(s), challenge and change using the principles and practices of the Circles of Trust® approach.

He received his Bachelor of Arts, honors from American Baptist College, Master of Divinity with a certificate in Black Church Studies from Vanderbilt University, and his Master of Arts in Religion and Ethics from Yale University. Additionally, he has received fellowships from The Forum for Theological Exploration, The Beatitudes Society, and Auburn Seminary.

Currently living in New York City, Anthony is a proud member of the Kappa Beta Sigma Chapter of the Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. He enjoys live music venues, reading nonfiction, visiting museums, traveling the world, and hiking.


Favorite quote

"I come as one, but I stand as 10,000."

Maya Angelou

Book Recommendation

The Autobiography of Malcolm X, Let Your Life Speak, The Fire Next Time, Beloved, Another Country, Stand Your Ground

James Baldwin, Toni Morrison, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Zora Neale Hurston, Howard Thurman, Audre Lorde, Kelly Brown Douglas, James Cone, and others.

Where I'm Finding Inspiration

I'm finding inspiration where I've always have, and that is among our young people. They are so creative, bold, and uncompromising in their views concerning what the world ought to be. Additionally, I find inspiration with my circle of colleagues who keep me engaged, and keep me sharpened.

What I Do For Fun, Rest, and Renewal

Sit, walk, or jog alongside rivers of water, take time to write or journal, be present at live music venues (PRE-COVID), read books on theology, ethics, entrepreneurship, and movements for social change, visit any museum, travel from the east coast to the west coast and everything in between, and finally hiking,

Organizations I've Worked With

  • Sacred Heart University

  • Iona University

  • Faith in New York

  • A network of Pastors from various denominations

  • A network of nonprofit leaders

  • A network of activists