At the heart of what I offer is a strong calling to help others access their innate wisdom and potential so they can thrive and contribute their gifts in our world. I began exploring human wholeness in my teens and am qualified in various body-mind-heart integrative practices. I founded and directed a yoga studio ‘Yoga from the Heart’ for 17 years from 2002 – 2019 and have developed and facilitated numerous workshops, retreats, and trainings over the last 35 years, I am a Lecturer at the University of Tasmania in Health and Human Services Leadership, a co-facilitator of trainings with Adventure Works Australia, and consultant with organisations in wellness and team development. I have trained in Non-Violent Communication, and am certified as a Map of Meaning practitioner. I love to do my best to hold safe and trustworthy space for individuals, groups, and teams inviting connection with the ground of being and the guidance, joy, and nourishment such connection makes accessible.
Favorite quote
What will you do with your one wild and precious life?
Mary Oliver
Book Recommendation
The Deep Heart
John Prendergast
What I Do For Fun, Rest, and Renewal
Grow food
Swim in the ocean
Immerse in nature
Walking, yoga, meditation, contemplation, reading, tea