About me
I live in Colorado Springs with my partner Mary Alex. We have two daughters, one in high school and one in college.
I am a pastor, brewer, hiker, camper, amateur radio operator and beginning guitar builder.
Before ordination in the Episcopal church, I worked as a freelance documentary film editor in Washington, DC.
I am most jazzed by anything that has to do with cultivating creativity, community and encouraging emerging leaders to find their own stories and voices.
Favorite quote
"Imagine if there were a boat upon which you could put only four people, and everyone else known and beloved to you would then cease to exist. Who would you put on that boat? It would be painful, but how quickly you would decide: You and you and you and you, get in. The rest of you, goodbye."
Cheryl Strayed
Book Recommendation
Walking in this world
Julia Cameron
Organizations I've Worked With
Mindfulness and Positivity Project, Colorado Springs, Colorado
The Episcopal Church in Colorado
CrossRoads Anti-Racism Organizing and Training
National Geographic