Larry Petrovick

Courage & Renewal Facilitator
Speaks English

Larry Petrovick has worked to conserve the natural world for over 35 years in various roles within wildlife, forestry, and agriculture, government agencies. He has led small groups and spiritual formation retreats for over 20 years. As a Courage and Renewal Facilitator, he integrates those experiences and consults with people in nonprofits, faith communities, business, and others to understand and apply relationships from the natural world that can benefit the human-earth interrelationship. Having also been a board member in food security and human-earth interrelationship nonprofits, Larry elicits unique insights from people that may be applied within their inner and outer work. He currently is an associate board member with the Inter-Faith Food Shuttle, serves a Stephen Minister at his church and is a Leadership Triangle Goodmon Fellow. Gardening, cooking local foods and bread baking feed his soul.