I spent many years serving as children/youth pastor as well as teaching adults. I loved designing classes and retreats. I learned facilitation skills through Leadership Knoxville. After attending my first CCR retreat with John Fenner and Karen Jackson in 2011, a seasonal series, I knew that facilitating retreats that invite soul exploration in a supportive, open-hearted process was my calling. I enjoy finding poems, songs, objects and pictures that fit together to create a sensory rich retreat. My mentor retreat with Debbie Stanley included 2 hours soaking up, journaling and sharing about our gleanings from Ben Long’s Prodigal fresco, working dough to make pizzas and movie clips from Stranger Than Fiction. Who knew movie characters could help us discern what is and isn’t an open/honest question!
Favorite quote
Books about "tips, tricks, and techniques" tend to leave me cold; telling your story truly and well is more than enough for me. When you share your story of struggle, you offer me companionship in mine, and that's the most powerful soul medicine I know.
Parker Palmer-On the Brink of Everything
Book Recommendation
A World of Curiosities and every book by
Louise Penny, and Penelope Wilcox's Hawk and Dove series
Where I'm Finding Inspiration
I find inspiration in poetry, good books, co-leading Healing the Heart of Democracy for adult Sunday School at my church, having friends over for Dinner and a Movie and leading Circle of Trust retreats in my home.
What I Do For Fun, Rest, and Renewal
I enjoy driving in the Smoky Mts, journaling or reading by creeks and waterfalls, absorbing the beauty and peace of nature. I write puppet skits for my church's children's sermons (my husband is the puppeteer and we will soon be training the children to help with skits.
Organizations I've Worked With
Messiah Lutheran Church