Global Gathering Feedback Survey

We’d love your feedback!

We engage in continuous learning about our programs and invite you to help us evaluate how we did. Please take a few minutes to fill out this evaluation – we find feedback incredibly valuable and work diligently to incorporate your thoughts into future iterations. Thank you!


Why do we ask for your name? There is a difference between anonymous feedback and confidential feedback. The culture of anonymous feedback assumes a foundation of distrust and retribution that is counter to the Courage & Renewal approach. We recognize the value of a wide range of experiences, and receive honest sharing—speaking your truth—as an opportunity for all of us to learn and grow. The thoughts you share here will be kept confidential, and won’t be shared beyond the leadership team without your explicit permission. At the end of the form, you can indicate whether or not you are open to follow up.

Which of the following statements best describes how well the overall Global Gathering experience met your expectations?

How likely or unlikely would you be to encourage others to participate in the next Global Gathering?

Based on your experience, how would you evaluate the cost of participating in the gathering?

Reconnect with colleagues, build new relationships, and re-energize our spirits
Explore ways to strengthen our Facilitator Collaboration and communities of practice
Be inspired by ways Courage & Renewal is impacting our global landscape
Collaborate around best practices and ongoing formation
Learn more about the current strategy and direction of the Center for Courage & Renewal
Honor our global community’s collective contributions to building the foundation for a more loving, healthy, and equitable world


Overall, how satisfied or unsatisfied were you with the substance and delivery of the content throughout the gathering?

How effective or ineffective were the "Skill-Building Workshops" and "Collaboration Conversations" in helping you gain meaningful knowledge and insights about how you might carry Courage & Renewal forward in your life and contexts?

How effective or ineffective were the "Spotlights" in educating and inspiring you about the varying ways Courage & Renewal is making an impact in the world?

Feedback provided for this question will be passed along to the facilitators who led your pre-gathering retreat.

Logistics and Accommodations

How satisfied or unsatisfied were you with the logistical communication you received before and during the gathering?

How satisfied or unsatisfied were you with the accommodations of the hotel during your stay?

How satisfied or unsatisfied were you with the meals during the gathering?

Additional Wonderings

With what frequency would you like to see us hold Global Gatherings moving forward?

Are you open to follow up from the staff if we’d like to have further discussion?