• 10 - 12 Feb 2023
  • San Rafael, CA, USA

Celebrating the Heart of the Educator: An Introductory Courage to Teach® Retreat

Join our Courage to Teach Circle of Trust retreat for a weekend of reflection, renewal and rejuvenation.

“Only when our clever brain and our human heart work together in harmony can we achieve our true potential”   ~Jane Goodall

Teaching surely requires diligence, commitment, and a very clever brain.  But the magic of good teaching comes from the heart of the teacher.  How do we nourish and strengthen our teacher’s heart? How can we create harmony between heart and brain in our career and in our personal lives?

Listen here for Parker J. Palmer, “Educating the Heart”   https://vimeo.com/155181447

Join our Courage to Teach Circle of Trust retreat for a weekend of reflection, renewal and rejuvenation.  Together we will seek to understand, honor, and celebrate our own hearts, so that we may realize our potential to touch the hearts, inspire the brains, and nourish the souls of our students and our loved ones. Everyone is welcome, regardless of previous Circle of Trust experience.

Through a variety of heart-inspiring essays, poetry, art, nature, photography, and music, you will be invited to engage in honest self-reflection and to increase your capacity to listen to yourself and to others more deeply. There will be time in solitude and in community; time to speak from your heart and to listen as others speak from theirs. Return home with renewed energy and vitality in your teaching heart.

In a time when stress and pressure on teachers and administrators continue to rise because of internal and external demands, Courage to Teach® provides educators with an opportunity for rest, renewal and re-engagement with their identity and integrity as teachers. The program, originally conceived by esteemed educator Parker J. Palmer, offers educators an opportunity to reflect on the inner dimensions of teaching and leading.

Feb. 10, begins 5 PM through Feb. 12th ends 1 PM

Santa Sabina Retreat Center
25 Magnolia Avenue
San Rafael, CA  94901
United States

Venue Website https://www.santasabinacenter.org/

Santa Sabina Center is a lovely contemplative space nestled in a wooded hillside just north of San Francisco. Comfortable meeting rooms look out over beautiful gardens. Other areas include an incredibly well-stocked meditative art space, a calm and quiet inner courtyard, several private outdoor seating areas, a chapel, a small bookstore, and a library.  Meals are lovingly prepared and served three times a day, with coffee and tea available all day long. Santa Sabina is located in a lovely, walkable neighborhood near Dominican University of San Rafael.

$640 includes programming, lodging, and meals (Friday dinner through Sunday lunch).

Please advise of any food allergies at time of registration.

After registration deadline, please email facilitators for availability.

Scholarships may be available.  Please inquire with Teri or Rona before registering.

Registration deadline to February 3, contact Rona or Teri after that date for availability.

50% of the registration fee will be refunded if registration is cancelled (by emailing facilitators)  prior to 90 days before the event.

Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) available. Please email facilitators for more information.

Flyers are available.  Please email [email protected] to receive a copy.


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