• 17 Sep 2024
  • online

Seasons of Leadership – Autumn

Join with leaders from around the globe as we explore the relationship between nature's seasons and our own life and leadership journeys. Using poetry, writings and music, these facilitated quarterly sessions give you a chance to step off the hamster wheel for a couple of hours and reflect and share in a confidential circle of trust.

The world spins and the seasons turn through yearly cycles of growth, abundance, harvest and rest.

As leaders, we are on our own seasonal journeys, continually growing as we navigate new challenges, support our teams, share successes, and hopefully reap the rewards of our seeding and nurturing.  But we also need periods of rest and renewal.

Autumn in many parts of the world, is the time to harvest and reap the reward of hours spent seeding and nurturing growth.  Join us as we gather in our own harvests and sift and sow the seeds of our futures.

In these facilitated Circles of Trust® we will share some much-needed reflective time to re-connect to our passions and purpose.  Using nature, music, art, poetry and more, we will explore compassionate ways to lead and live.  It’s the human approach to leading, it’s leading with love.


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