• 21 - 23 Mar 2025
  • New Zealand

The Call to Courage: Hearing & Responding to our Courageous Selves – a Courage & Renewal weekend retreat

Where in your life do you feel like you need more courage? What could you do if you had more courage?

Where in your life do you feel like you need more courage? What could you do if you had more courage?

Maybe you feel that you have lost your voice and, amidst all of the other loud voices, find it hard to hear your own voice. Maybe you want to commit to living a more authentic life, engaging more deeply with what really matters to you. Or perhaps you are finding it challenging living in a complex world.

All of us need courage to be ourselves and to live with integrity and purpose. Our fears can often determine what voices we listen to and can lead us on a path of anxiety and disillusionment.

This Courage & Renewal® retreat offers you the opportunity to reconnect with yourself, to develop your confidence and trust in yourself, to consider your calling in life and possible future steps, to deepen your listening skills and empathy, and to reinforce your own values while strengthening your capacity for relational trust.

Based on the Circle of Trust® approach developed by Parker J. Palmer and the Center for Courage & Renewal, this retreat offers a reflective space to breathe and take stock, to speak and to listen, develop your self-awareness and interpersonal skills, and renew your energy and vitality for life.

“I will always have fears, but I need not be my fears, for I have other places within myself from which to speak and act.” – Parker J. Palmer

Joining Courage & Renewal facilitator Mennie Scapens will be two Facilitators in preparation: Sandy Robertson and Sarah Court

 Sandy Robertson is a Facilitator-in-Preparation with the Center for Courage & Renewal®.
She is an Anglican Priest working as a school chaplain in Auckland. Sandy loves working with
young people and has been in education for 30 years. She can attest to the profound and
life-changing effects of engaging in Circles of Trust®. Sandy looks forward to using Courage & Renewal
work in schools, communities, and the Church to help others find courageous and authentic ways of living,
and connect people with life-giving communities that accept people as they are and encourage personal development.





Sarah Court (Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāi Tahu) is a Facilitator-in-Preparation with the Center for Courage & Renewal®.
She is a counsellor & performing artist living in the Waikato near Raglan. She began attending Circle of Trust retreats in 2019
and immediately resonated with the calm and open practices that made space for the soul to arrive and be welcomed.
She hopes to connect her work in Courage & Renewal with indigenous communities and artist creators, and loves to bring
Circle of Trust® practices into the outdoor spaces on her farm.

Vaughan Park Anglican Retreat and Conference Centre is located 25km north of Auckland CBD, adjacent
to Long Bay Regional Park. Vaughan Park offers beautiful views of Long Bay beach which is only a short
walk away. Accommodation is in single rooms equipped with a desk, comfortable chair, hand basin, wardrobe, opening out into a courtyard or garden. Linen and towels are provided. Bathrooms and toilets are shared.

Website: www.vaughanpark.org.nz

$585 Early bird registration (before 20th February)
$605 Full registration Includes accommodation in single rooms with shared bathrooms, all meals, and all resources.
Non-residential: $475 Early bird / $500 Full

Numbers are limited, so please register early to secure your place.

To register please contact:   [email protected]


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