Kathryn McElveen

Executive Director
Speaks English

Kathryn McElveen is our Executive Director. Her work in public and private nonprofits, social justice, leadership formation, and executive coaching has focused on helping people—and their communities and organizations—integrate their inner and outer lives, align values and actions, and cultivate the agency and stamina necessary to sustain meaningful change. Kathryn is an experienced Courage & Renewal facilitator, committed to expanding access to our approach, and deepening the understanding and engagement of our principles, practices, and values to transform organizational systems and cultures to their most life-giving potential.

Favorite quote

You have to act as if it were possible to radically change the world. And you have to do it all the time.

Angela Davis

Book Recommendation

See No Stranger: A Memoir and Manifesto of Revolutionary Love

Valarie Kaur

What I Do For Fun, Rest, and Renewal

I love to explore trails, rivers, night skies, new places and other adventures in wonderment with my husband and our four school-aged children. I take long walks, grow food, learn new things and read the books my kids recommend. I treasure moments of quiet and solitude on my back porch, watching the light filter through the trees.