• Video

25th Anniversary Celebration Recording

On September 18, 2022 the Center for Courage & Renewal celebrated its 25th Anniversary, an online gathering of hundreds of people from around the world. Together we honored our roots, gave thanks, and looked towards the bright future ahead as we continue building the foundation for a more loving, equitable, and healthy world. Here you can watch the recording of the event. Thank you for a heartfelt celebration of 25 years of impact and community.

Throughout the event, we heard from Center for Courage & Renewal staff and board members, Parker J. Palmer, co-founders Marcy Jackson and Rick Jackson, and a diverse group of people in the Courage & Renewal community who have been impacted by our work and who have been instrumental in carrying our work forward in communities around the world. We give a deep bow of gratitude to all of those who have helped our organization reach this milestone and to the many years we have ahead of nurturing deep integrity and relational trust, building the more loving, equitable, and healthy world we know is possible.

We also introduced the Joyce and Dick McFarland Fund. This new fund was created by the Board of Directors in honor of Joyce and Dick, who were and are incredibly generous and enthusiastic supporters of our work, to help carry out themes of expanding access, deepening engagement, and nurturing belonging as we step into this next chapter for the Center for Courage & Renewal. We invite you to make a donation in honor of our 25th anniversary to help seed this new fund alongside Parker Palmer’s generous contribution.