• 12 Nov 2022
  • hybrid

A Fall Retreat for Teachers: A one day retreat, in-person or online

A Fall Retreat for Teachers invites you to put aside the prepping, planning, organizing and marking, and give yourself a single day to pause, reflect, and nourish your teaching heart.

It’s a long stretch from the first day of school in the fall to the winter break.

A Fall Retreat for Teachers invites you to put aside the prepping, planning, organizing and marking, and give yourself a single day to pause, reflect, and nourish your teaching heart. Together we’ll engage in quiet reflection, listening, and responding to one another. For inspiration we’ll attend to short texts, poetry, music, and images. We’ll follow the principles and practices of the Courage & Renewal® approach to create an accepting, confidential and trustworthy space.

Engaging with a small, trustworthy community of educators offers us fresh perspectives and mutual support, and helps us step into our classrooms  with courage, grace and integrity.

Participants may choose to attend in-person or online.

From Your Facilitators:
We are settlers on Treaty 13 Land, the traditional territories of many Indigenous Nations including the Anishnabe, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee, the Wendat and the Missisaugas and the ongoing home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples from across Turtle Island. While we live in what is also known as Toronto, Canada, our work extends into many Territories and Treaty areas. We are grateful for the benefits the land provides us and extend our respect to the original and current stewards of the land. In the spirit of reconciliation we are committed to supporting Indigenous artists, businesses and causes and responding to the 94 Calls to Action of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. A portion of the proceeds from our offerings are sent to The National Centre for Truth and Reconciliation. We will walk lightly on the land.

We have been friends, collaborators, and co-conspirators for nearly 40 years. Together we’ve worked as childbirth educators, freelance writers and social activists. Over the years we have explored facilitation, mindfulness and most recently, Courage & Renewal® work. We’ve shared countless cups of tea, watched each other’s children blossom, welcomed grandchildren and bid goodbye to friends and loved ones. Together we created the Inside Outside Retreat Centre to offer the gift of time and space to rest, reflect, and renew the spirit. Our work is influenced and informed by that of many wise teachers including Parker J. Palmer, Robin Wall Kimmerer, Shakil Choudhury and Richard Wagamese. We share a love of music, reading, and walking paths and trails in our neighbourhoods and beyond.

The Centre for Social Innovation Annex
720 Bathurst St
Toronto, ON
M5S 2R4

CSI Annex (720 Bathurst Ave.) is a five-story, beautifully-restored brick-and-beam building bursting with entrepreneurial energy. It is easily accessible by public transit; public parking is closeby. The building is welcoming and accessible with gender neutral washrooms and facilities for wheelchairs.

Cancellations up until November 10.

If program fee presents a barrier to your participation, we will be happy to negotiate a reduction or exchange. Please contact us at [email protected]


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