• 18 Oct 2022
  • Asha Centre, Flaxley, UK

Honouring the Heart: Living & Leading in Turbulent Times

A one-day Circle of Trust Retreat

Our fast paced, heady and complex world with its multiple demands on our
energy and time can all too easily pull us off centre and away from what’s
truly ‘at the heart of it’ in our work and lives.

Join us for a day of settling and centering and returning to the
guidance of your heart and the qualities it brings to the challenges,
choices and questions you hold in your professional or personal life.
courage, compassion, creativity?

What would best serve you and those around you?
Held by the community of the circle, working in solitude, small groups and as
a whole we will move gently using poetry, prose and nature, embodied
activities, reflection and sharing to explore and support your reconnection
with the murmurings of your heart, the strength and guidance it holds and the
support and resource it offers to help you move forward in a more authentic
and grounded way.

Shaped by the teachings of Parker J. Palmer and the Touchstones, principles,
practices and values of the Center for Courage & Renewal

A one-day Circle of Trust Retreat

We are delighted to be hosted by the beautiful and hospitable Asha Centre
and staff  for a nourishing and nurturing mid-autumn
retreat before we hunker down for the winter with the harvest of our hearts.


£120 self-funded
£160 organisation funded
25% discount before Sept 16th
Meals and refreshments included


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