• 24 Sep 2023
  • online


What place does balance hold in our lives? Join us for a 75-minute contemplation of this illusive state.

How can we find balance in an ever-shifting world?

This time of year offers a unique moment to ponder the meaning of balance in our lives. The sun is poised over the earth’s equator offering an equal amount of sunlight to both hemispheres. For a few short weeks, regardless of where you are on the planet, day and night are pretty evenly balanced. 

Put aside aside 75 minutes, Sunday September 24, 10:30 –11:45 am ET and join us online for a gentle exploration of what it means to live with balance in uncertain times.

We’ll pause for meditation and engage with short texts for inspiration. We’ll take time off-screen for quiet, individual reflection and practice listening deeply to one another. We’ll work with the online setting in a balanced and purposeful way. The Courage & Renewal Touchstones will support a welcoming, protected and confidential space.

This brief online Circle of Trust® provides both a gentle introduction to newcomers to the Courage & Renewal® approach and a sustaining practice for those with more experience.

We invite you to join us and to slow down and reflect on what balance means for you.

Pay What You Can

“Balance is not a passive resting place––it takes work, balancing the giving and the taking, the raking out and the putting in.”

Robin Wall Kimmerer, Braiding Sweetgrass.


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