• 09 - 11 Aug 2024
  • Denmark, WA, Australia

Creative Seasons Retreat

Creativity flourishes when we’re connected to purpose and spirit. To nurture a joyful and sustainable creative practice, we need to draw on our inner resources. We invite you to join us, in community, to listen deeply to what is calling you forward in whatever creative season you find yourself in.

Creativity flourishes when we’re connected to purpose and spirit. To nurture a joyful and sustainable creative practice, we need to draw on our inner resources. We invite you to join us, in community, to listen deeply to what is calling you forward in whatever creative season you find yourself in.

 This retreat invites you to

  • Get curious about how creativity shows up in your life
  • Identify which creative season you’re in and which inner resources you can draw on
  • Reflect on what could be getting in the way of your creative practice
  • Reconnect to your creative purpose so you can live it more joyfully

The retreat takes place over three days and is facilitated by local artist and Courage & Renewal facilitator in preparation, Verity Byth and Perth personal development educator, and Courage & Renewal facilitator in preparation,  Linda Berlach, from Courage & Renewal, WA.   Their Courage & Renewal mentor, Anne Courtney will be in the circle as well. 

This retreat is shaped by The Center for Courage & Renewal approach. It is an inclusive, trustworthy space for individual reflecting, listening, sharing and silence.

“Like the plants, we too need the space and time to fully grow into the new versions of our creative selves, refreshed and energized and ready for what’s next. Creativity refuses to be rushed. It wants to be nurtured.”   Anna Brones

The retreat is together in person at the venue, but is not residential.

Retreat Schedule 

Friday August 9

Arrival and snacks 5.30pm
Opening circle (6.00 – 7.30pm)
Short break (7.30 – 7.35pm)
Evening session  (7.35 – 9.00pm)

Saturday, August 10

Yin yoga (site nearby) (8.00 – 9.00am)
Arrival and snacks (9.30 – 10.00am)
Morning session 1 (10.00 – 11.30am)

Break (11.30-11.45am)

Morning session 2 (11.45– 1.15pm)
Self-serve Lunch (1.15 – 1.45pm)

Silent Time for Personal Reflection (1.45-3.30pm)
Afternoon Tea (3.15 – 3.30pm)
Afternoon session (3.30 – 5.00pm)

Sunday August 11

Yin yoga (site nearby) (8.00 – 9.00am)
Arrival and snacks (9.30 – 10.00am)
Morning session 1 (10.00 – 11.00am)

Break (11.00-11.15am)

Morning session 2 (11.30-12.30pm)

Closing Circle (12.30 – 1.00pm)
Lunch and farewells (1.00 – 2.00pm)

$360 per person, including catering.

Discounts for Denmark Arts members. Supported scholarships available.


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