An opportunity for those who want to age mindfully, seek new insights and find fresh, life-giving ways to engage with the world.
This retreat invites reflection on our inner and outer life and uses practices inspired by the work of Parker J. Palmer and developed by the Center for Courage & Renewal. Anyone of any age or spiritual path wishing to explore the meaning and experience of getting older is welcome.
Over the three days together we explore themes such as:
Generativity, legacy and harvesting our lives;
The realities and possibilities of our lives as we age;
Staying engaged with our own soul and with the world.
Participants will engage in an invitational process involving input and personal reflection as well as small and large group exploration of themes. If you have been with Mardi and Jean for an earlier retreat on this theme, you will be welcome, and you can expect to be introduced to some new material.
This program is being independently organized and led by a Courage & Renewal Facilitator(s) prepared by the Center for Courage & Renewal. While we support our facilitators in various ways, CCR has no direct responsibility for the planning or facilitation of this event. Please direct any questions to the facilitators using the contact form below.
The Center for Courage & Renewal and its facilitators do not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, age, height, weight, physical or mental ability, veteran status, military obligations, and marital status.