• 13 - 14 Mar 2025
  • online

The Quickening: Writing into Doing

Please join us for a one-and-a-half-day poetry retreat as we explore through writing how it is we want to meet the world, what gifts we have to offer—and what is being asked of us at this time.

I want to meet the world

the way these calendula blossoms

meet the cold.

While everything around them

has wilted or browned,

they lift up their gold and orange faces

like bright earthbound suns—

not with some agenda

to make the world a better place,

but because they are doing

what they are made to do—

to be soft yet resilient,

beautiful and tough,

to carry inside themselves

the seeds for more beauty,

and, when the time comes,

spill them everywhere.

Attuned, Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer

The calendula blossoms are doing what they are made to do. What is it we are made to do, called into—what wants to pour out of us to be “spilled everywhere?” And how might we live and act in a way that serves life itself?

In this one-and-a-half-day retreat, we will nurture a trustworthy space to listen deeply to discover our own quickening—what is happening in the ground of our lives that wants to burst into growth now. What undiscovered gifts might we unveil that, if nurtured, might serve something bigger than we are? Through the Courage & Renewal approach and through poetry writing and exploration, this offering invites you to connect with yourself and others—to slow down, reflect and notice, while experiencing poetry through the gateways of listening, reading, creative writing, imagination, and shared exploration. With pen in hand, we will engage in activities to help us discern the outer work that we are meant to explore currently—and tap the courage to meet the invitation. And if we happen to make the world a better place, that’s a lovely bonus!

The Quickening: Writing into Doing will be grounded in the Courage & Renewal® approach  which you can learn more about in Parker J. Palmer’s book, A Hidden Wholeness. All are welcome.

If you are a newcomer to Circles of Trust® retreats, we have an additional hour-long time scheduled Monday, March 10, 2:00 – 3:00 MT, during which you will be able to orient to the Courage & Renewal approach.

Marcia Eames-Sheavly and poet-teacher-storyteller Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer will cofacilitate this unique mini-retreat experience.  You’ll find her poetry online at A Hundred Falling Veils.

March 13, 2025, 9:00 – 3:00 MT
March 14, 2025, 9:00 – 12:00 MT

Online, via Zoom. If you are new to this format, you’ll receive guidance in advance so you know what to expect. You will need access to a computer or laptop; a set of headphones/earbuds may be helpful. You will also need a strong internet connection and a location in which you can be uninterrupted during our sessions.

There is a second retreat in this series entitled Ordinary Sacred: Writing into Being. The cost if you register for both is $300 ($150 each).

A non-refundable deposit of $50 is required with registration, with the balance to be provided by February 25, 2025.

Prior to February 25, program fee can be refunded less the non-refundable fee. After February 25, no refunds can be granted.


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