• 15 - 17 Mar 2024
  • Portland, OR

Balancing Life and Leadership: A Courage to Lead Retreat

This retreat is open to people from diverse fields and is designed to help participants renew their passion, enthusiasm and commitment to their leadership and the communities they serve. We invite you to join us in this opportunity to pause and disconnect from the fast pace and distractions of daily life, and join other change-makers who dare to engage their work with presence and compassion.

Early spring is a time of paradox. This liminal space between the dormancy of winter and the blossoming of spring offers opportunity to tend to the equilibrium of our lives and our leadership. It is a season moving toward the balancing of light and dark, rest and activity, a time of tending to new sprouts and shedding what no longer serves.

Are you beginning to feel the quickening of the new season or are you stuck in the mud of late winter?

Are you seeking to find balance in your life, make changes to better serve who you want to be in the world, and how you want to show up?

We invite you to join us in this opportunity to pause and disconnect from the fast pace and distractions of daily life, and join other change-makers who dare to engage their work with presence and compassion.

This Courage to Lead® retreat provides the time and space for deep reflection, renewal, and the opportunity to:

  • Access imagination, artistic expression, and other contemplative practices to envision and embody the wholeness of a future we long to call home
  • Build a trustworthy space for accessing and telling our truths and listening to the truths of others
  • Explore our inner sources of leadership
  • Learn practices for holding the complexities we encounter in our personal and professional communities

Who should attend?
This retreat is open to people from diverse fields and is designed to help participants renew their passion, enthusiasm and commitment to their leadership and the communities they serve. Past participants have included school teachers, administrators and managers, clergy, coaches and leaders from the nonprofit and corporate sectors and beyond. Leadership can also be reflected in other ways that we show up in the world through our professional, family, or community life.

Lodging: Please note that this is not a residential retreat. The Lakeshore Inn is the closest lodging option to campus, and other options with rates for L&C visitors can be found here.


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