• 30 Aug - 01 Sep 2024
  • Keezletown, Virginia, USA

Minding the Gap: A Yoga and Circle of Trust Retreat

You are enough. In cultures where competition, rank, and personal achievement are prioritized over collaboration, connection, and communal success, how do we find our center and live from that deep place of knowing? This Circle of Trust® retreat invites you to explore your innate “enoughness” and to practice how to “be” in this fantastic and fragmented journey called life.

You are enough.  You’ve made it.  You are “it.”  As the saying goes, “The one you are looking for is the one who is looking.”  When our life feels fragmented or out of sorts, our effort to live connected to self and others may seem out of reach.  Parker Palmer writes that the journey of living authentically often includes standing in the “tragic gap”; the space between the current reality and the world as it might be.  Is there a place where you find yourself standing in a “tragic gap”; experiencing the tension between what “IS” and “what could be”?  How do we connect our personal experience with our communal experience?  If these questions are as alive for you as they are for us, we invite you to this Circle of Trust®.

Set in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley, we will weave together key elements of the Courage & Renewal Approach with time-honored yoga practices.  In both solitude and community, our Circle of Trust will hold space for reflecting on our tragic gaps and our aspirations for living a grounded, healthy, and whole life.  All levels are welcomed to the yoga mat, where we will experience a variety of movements, meditations, mantras, music, and breathing practices.

If you’re ready for stillness, spacious rest, and opportunities to connect who you are with how you show up in the world, this retreat is designed for you.  Come as you are and give yourself this gift to slow down, to ground, and to grow.

Life is an incredible curriculum in which we live it richly and passionately
as a way of awakening to the deepest truths of our being.
~Ram Dass

Camp Overlook is nestled in the Shenandoah Valley of the Appalachian Mountains.  This humble retreat center is an idyllic location for our time together, offering scenic views, forest paths, bubbling creeks, and fresh mountain air.  While Camp Overlook is a part of the United Methodist Church, our retreat is open to people of all religious and spiritual paths.  We invite you as you are, with or without your faith traditions.  Please, if any concerns arise, let Kirstin and Erich know.

We will stay in Blessings Lodge, which offers a sliding scale of registration costs. Please see the different pricing options and decide which works best for you. The registration link provides more information.

Single occupancy room: $500
Double occupancy room: $450
Triple occupancy room: $400


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