• 14 Sep - 30 Nov 2022
  • online

Coming Home to Ourselves: A Six-Session Journey for Women

As women, we are conditioned to care for and tend to the needs of others — to be compassionate in the face of all this suffering. Unless we are careful, we can lose sight of ourselves in this pursuit, dimming our finest source of love and compassion — our truest self.

In these challenging times, it is easy to lose ourselves in the drum of noise and need that surrounds us.  Daily we must confront the forces of climate change, racism, inequality, and injustice.  As women, we are conditioned to care for and tend to the needs of others — to be compassionate in the face of all this suffering. Unless we are careful, we can lose sight of ourselves in this pursuit, dimming our finest source of love and compassion — our truest self.

…time and time again our search for love brings us back to the place where we started, back to our own heart’s mirror, where we can look upon our female selves with love and be renewed.” -bell hooks

Join us as we take this journey home to ourselves — to the beauty and strength within each of us.  Come to renew your inner light so that you can show up whole and hopeful even in these tumultuous and tragic times.

Self-care is never a selfish act — it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer others. Anytime we can listen to true self and give the care it requires, we do it not only for ourselves, but for the many others whose lives we touch.” –Parker J. Palmer

We invite all those who identify as women to join us for this 6-session online series grounded in the Circles of Trust approach — a trustworthy space that invites clarity and insight to emerge from within. Through deep listening and compassionate inquiry, we will reflect on the many aspects of our individual and collective identities, embracing all that we are in mind, heart, body, and spirit, so we may return to our many roles and responsibilities renewed.

If your heart is saying, “YES!” and you want to explore what is next for you, what wants attention, and what wants to emerge, please consider joining us.

This is an online offering allowing women from all locations and walks of life to join us. Zoom Links will be sent prior to each meeting.

We invite you to pay more if you are able, to offset the cost for those whose means require a scholarship. No one will be turned away for an inability to pay. Contact Mary Kaye Siebert to discuss alternative arrangements [email protected]

If you have questions about this retreat series, please contact:
Rachel Boechler     [email protected]
Margaret Golden   [email protected]
Mary Kaye Seibert [email protected]

If you would like a copy of the retreat series flyer, please contact any one of the above listed facilitators and we will email it to you.


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