• 05 - 08 Dec 2023
  • Corbett, OR, USA

Holding the Shadow and the Light: A Courage to Lead Retreat for Women

This Courage to Lead® retreat for women is an opportunity to explore the heart and soul of leadership—including how we can bring greater integrity to our work in the world, and tap into the support available within the resources of community.

The winter season invites us to slow down, to turn inward, and embrace introspection and the dark. Many of us are re-evaluating our relationship to doing, seeking to experience more being, and to prioritize joy and wholeness. At the same time, we feel with greater urgency the need to contribute to the wellbeing of our organizations and communities, but not at the cost of our own.

This Courage to Lead® retreat for women is an opportunity to explore the heart and soul of leadership—including how we can bring greater integrity to our work in the world, and tap into the support available within the resources of community.

Together we will immerse ourselves in the wisdom and metaphors of the winter season, face the realities of our individual and collective shadows, and gather courage to continue to weather the challenges of leadership and emerge with greater clarity, integrity and resilience. We are reminded that the dark is not a void. There is gestational potential to be discovered at this time.

Participants in this retreat will:

  • Access imagination, artistic expression, and other contemplative practices to envision and embody the wholeness of a future we long to call home
  • Build a trustworthy space for accessing and telling our truths and listening to the truths of others
  • Explore our inner sources of leadership
  • Learn practices for holding the complexities we encounter in our personal and professional communities

Let us not become trapped or caught up in the mystery and fear surrounding us.  You who are not
black or white. Day or night. Good or bad.  When you come and swallow us in your luminous
darkness, may we have the good sense to simply lie down, float for a while, and dream.  Let us dream
of something new and ancient.”

from Pause, Rest, Be by Octavia F. Raheem

Who is this retreat for? This retreat is open to those identifying as women in leadership from diverse fields, and is designed to help participants renew their passion, enthusiasm and commitment to their leadership and the communities they serve. Past participants have included school principals, superintendents, higher education administrators, clergy, attorneys, physicians, managers, coaches and other leaders from the nonprofit and corporate sectors. Leadership can also be reflected in other ways that we show up in the world through our professional, family, or community life.

The retreat will be held at Menucha Retreat and Conference Center in Corbett, Oregon.

Registration fees include three nights of lodging, 8 meals (beginning Tuesday dinner and ending Friday breakfast), and all supplies, snacks, beverages, and 16 PDUs.

Single Occupancy Room: $950
Shared Occupancy: $750

Scholarships are available.

In effort to make retreat attendance more accessible, we are offering stipends beginning at $150 that can be put toward the cost of registration fees. To request a stipend, please contact Matsya Siosal at [email protected].

We are committed to making our events accessible to all needs and abilities. When registering, please let us know your access needs. Contact us at 503-768-6040 or [email protected] with questions.


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