• 09 Oct - 20 Nov 2022
  • online

New Maps, New Possibilities – A Courage to Lead® Retreat Series

Courage to Lead® is rooted in the belief that effective leadership flows from the identity and integrity of the person. This Courage & Renewal helps us to move beyond leadership techniques and tools to (re)connect with the essence of what guides and sustains us in our life and work.

‘Leadership’ is a concept we often resist.
It seems immodest, even self-aggrandizing, to think of ourselves as leaders.
But if it is true that we are made for community, then leadership is everyone’s vocation,
and it can be an evasion to insist that it is not.
When we live in the close-knit ecosystem called community,
everyone follows and everyone leads
. – Parker J. Palmer

At the heart of authentic leadership is the courage to be fully human – to take risks, to care deeply and to take action even in the midst of change and uncertainty. Courage to Lead® is rooted in the belief that effective leadership flows from the identity and integrity of the person. Courage retreats and programs help us to move beyond leadership techniques and tools to (re)connect with the essence of what guides and sustains us in our life and work.

In this Courage to Lead retreat we invite you to join in a global community to explore our own leadership through metaphors offered by maps and navigation: to reconnect with our inner compass and to the sense of purpose that calls us out into the world. Through conversation, creative process and deep listening, we hold space for each other to find new ways to travel among the harsh realities and hopeful possibilities in our leadership and work.

Courage and Renewal® retreats:

– Renew heart, mind and spirit through the exploration of the inner and outer landscapes of our lives

– Identify and honor our gifts and strengths, and acknowledge our limits and boundaries

– Move beyond either-or thinking into holding paradox and complexity in life-giving ways

– Connect us with others seeking similar insights — who listen to and encourage each other, who honor each other’s differences

– Explore the connection between attending to the inner dimension of our lives and the impact we have on personal and professional communities

These programs and retreats are rooted in the Circle of Trust approach, which has a common set of principles & practices. These principles & practices provide a strong foundation and trustworthy container for a process of shared exploration of vocation, life and work.

Who this program is for?

Though some of us might not consider ourselves as ‘leaders’ in any formal sense, the reality is that we are all called to lead regularly. This program is open to people from a diverse range of fields who are interested in exploring and strengthening their leadership in their organizational, community or personal roles.


Four Sundays, every other week from October 9 through November 20, 2022.

Three-hour, on-line sessions

Sessions build on each other, and the program works best when all participants participate in all of them.
Before registering, please check that you are available for all four sessions.

– October 9, 2022
– October 23, 2022
– November 6
– November 20

9am-12pm Eastern
3-6pm Central European time

To find the time of the event for you: https://www.thetimezoneconverter.com/

Sessions build on each other, and the program works best when all participants participate in all of them. Before registering, please check that you are available for all four sessions.

This retreat will take place on Zoom with ample time for breaks. To participate you will need a computer or laptop and a good broadband connection, a pen and some paper and a place that will allow you to be present and undisturbed.

To create a space safe for everyone, we ask that you be prepared to turn your camera on and to wear headphones to protect the privacy of others if you are in a shared space.

We acknowledge that there are systemic barriers that make it difficult to participate and access programs. We work to support those who are unable to pay the full cost of programs, while providing a living wage for facilitators and covering the costs of learning programs.

We name the true program fee to allow those who are able to pay this cost to do so. We don’t want financial barriers to prevent anyone from participating in a learning program so we also offer a subsidized program fee.

True Program fee – USD 280

Subsidized Program fee – USD 150

Early Bird Rates – USD 230

Early Bird Deadline –  08-15-2022


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