Focus Area

Intro Circle of Trusts

Claim Your Courage on Washington Island, WI: A Courage & Renewal® Weekend

  • 25 - 27 Oct 2024
  • onsite

Courage to Teach®: A Gift of Nature & Renewal for K-12 Educators

  • 26 Oct - 23 Nov 2024
  • onsite

The Courage To Teach® One Day Retreat for Personal & Professional Renewal

  • 13 Sep 2024
  • onsite

Leading from Within: Tending to our Hearts (An Online Circle of Trust for Korean Speaking Clergy)

  • 23 Sep - 25 Nov 2024
  • online

Navigating Life Changes: A Retreat on The Ghost River

  • 27 Nov - 01 Dec 2024
  • onsite

The Wild Creative Sojourn: Voyaging Beyond the Fear of Failure

  • 13 - 15 Feb 2025
  • online

The Whisper of the Heart

  • 19 - 21 Jul 2024
  • onsite

Minding the Gap: A Yoga and Circle of Trust Retreat

  • 30 Aug - 01 Sep 2024
  • onsite

The Third Act: A Retreat in Sacred Bali

  • 17 - 24 Mar 2025
  • onsite

Living Questions, Trusting Silence, Embracing Wonder

  • 23 - 25 Mar 2024
  • onsite

It Takes a Village: Finger Lakes, NY

  • 03 Oct 2024 - 06 Mar 2025
  • onsite

Here I Am: A Circle of Trust® Retreat on Zoom

  • 08 Jun - 03 Aug 2024
  • online

Being, Longing, & Belonging: A Circle of Trust® Retreat

  • 31 May - 02 Jun 2024
  • onsite

A Restorative Pause – renewing, reimagining and re-creating

  • 07 - 09 Jun 2024
  • onsite

Walk in Beauty: Pilgrimage of El Camino de Santiago, Spain A Kinder Camino

  • 11 - 19 Oct 2024
  • onsite

Silence: a micro retreat

  • 04 Feb 2024
  • online

The Heart of What Matters: Making Meaning in a Time of Crisis

  • 12 - 14 Jul 2024
  • onsite

Finding Courage in the Company We Keep

  • 27 Jul - 14 Dec 2024
  • online

Dancing with Paradox

  • 27 Jan - 22 Jun 2024
  • online

Renewal in the Midst of Muck and Mire: A Spring Retreat

  • 26 - 28 Apr 2024
  • onsite

Holding on and Letting Go: A Winter Retreat

  • 09 - 11 Feb 2024
  • onsite


  • 07 Jan 2024
  • online

Everything Belongs: Exploring the Threads of our Being, Longing and Belonging

  • 21 - 23 Jun 2024
  • onsite


  • 12 Nov 2023
  • online

Living an Undivided Life: Introducing the Circle of Trust®

  • 03 - 24 Apr 2024
  • online

Turning to Wonder: Exploring the Questions of Transition

  • 28 Oct 2023
  • onsite

Solitude: a micro-retreat

  • 03 Dec 2023
  • online

Three Fall Circles of Trust in Boulder, CO

  • 21 Sep - 30 Nov 2023
  • onsite


  • 24 Sep 2023
  • online

The Soul of Aging: Living a Lasting Legacy 

  • 26 - 28 Jan 2024
  • online

Leading From Within: Nurturing the Heart of the Leader (A Seasonal Retreat Series)

  • 24 Oct 2024 - 23 Aug 2025
  • onsite

Living into Joy – A Circle of Trust® Retreat

  • 20 - 22 Oct 2023
  • onsite

Thresholds: Living In, and Beyond, the In-Between

  • 19 - 21 Oct 2023
  • onsite

Beauty, Brokeness & Courage – Standing in the gap with Heart and Hope

  • 22 - 24 Sep 2023
  • onsite

Courage to Lead: A Circle of Trust® Retreat

  • 08 - 10 Dec 2023
  • onsite

Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher’s Life: A Courage to Teach® Retreat

  • 01 - 03 Sep 2023
  • onsite

Turning to Wonder

  • 11 - 13 Aug 2023
  • onsite


  • 08 May 2023
  • online

Claiming Your Life as It Is: A Soul of Aging Retreat

  • 27 - 29 Oct 2023
  • online

A Renewed Vision: Liberating Yourself from Confusion and Anxiety

  • 16 Apr 2023
  • online

Falling Upwards: Rediscovering Your Purpose

  • 29 Feb - 04 Mar 2024
  • onsite

Take the Next Step…

  • 13 May 2023
  • onsite

A Wild Creative Soul Retreat: Taking Flight

  • 18 - 20 Apr 2024
  • online

A Wild Creative Soul Retreat: Tending the Seed

  • 25 - 27 Jan 2024
  • online

A Wild Creative Soul Retreat: The Art of Paying Attention

  • 26 - 28 Oct 2023
  • online

A Life Lived with Purpose: A Retreat on the Ghost River

  • 16 - 19 Nov 2023
  • onsite

Living into Joy – A Circle of Trust® Retreat

  • 12 - 14 May 2023
  • onsite

Where are we now?

  • 28 Mar - 25 Apr 2023
  • online

Journey Toward Wholeness: A Circle of Trust® Retreat

  • 03 Jun - 29 Jul 2023
  • online

Nurturing the Soul in Challenging Times

  • 01 - 29 Apr 2023
  • online

Coming Back to Life: The Courage to Emerge: A Spring Circle of Trust retreat

  • 19 - 20 May 2023
  • onsite

Attending to True Self in Turbulent Times

  • 26 - 28 May 2023
  • onsite

Nature as Teacher: Fridays at Fox Island

  • 09 Jun - 07 Jul 2023
  • onsite

The Clearness Committee: Learning the Art of Open Questions

  • 25 Jan - 22 Feb 2023
  • online

Renewal: A Micro-Retreat

  • 08 Jan 2023
  • online

Enough: An In-Person Circle of Trust Retreat

  • 16 - 18 Jun 2023
  • onsite

Hope: A Micro-Retreat

  • 11 Dec 2022
  • online

Winter’s Paradox

  • 11 Jan - 22 Feb 2023
  • online

Coming Home to Ourselves: A Six Session Journey For Women

  • 08 Feb - 19 Apr 2023
  • online

Exploring Alignment of Soul and Role: Reconnecting Who You are With What You Do

  • 11 Jan - 08 Feb 2023
  • online

The Art of Showing Up

  • 23 Jan - 20 Mar 2023
  • online

Solitude and Songs: A Springtime Circle of Trust Retreat

  • 05 - 07 May 2023
  • onsite

The Heart of the Teacher: An Introductory Courage to Teach® Retreat

  • 14 Jan 2023
  • onsite

Having Tea With Grief: A Circle of Trust Retreat

  • 10 Feb 2023 - 12 Feb 2022
  • onsite

Finding Place and Soul in a Shifting World

  • 15 Jul - 02 Dec 2023
  • online

Finding Place and Soul in a Shifting World

  • 14 Jan - 02 Dec 2023
  • online

Taking Care: The quiet, courageous power of love

  • 04 - 19 Mar 2023
  • online

Nurturing the Soul in Challenging Times

  • 04 - 06 Nov 2022
  • onsite

The Art of Showing Up: A five session introduction to Circles of Trust

  • 26 Sep - 21 Nov 2022
  • online

Welcoming Stillness: An Introduction to Circles of Trust

  • 27 - 28 Jan 2023
  • online

Everyday Solace: Nourishment, Connection & Community in Restless Times

  • 31 Mar - 02 Apr 2023
  • onsite

Circle of Trust Seasonal Retreat Series

  • 20 Jan - 07 May 2023
  • onsite

The Art of Leading in Disruptive Times: A Courage to Lead® Retreat

  • 12 - 14 Oct 2022
  • onsite

A Gathering For Men – Revealing Our Hidden Wholeness, A Courage & Renewal® Retreat

  • 14 - 16 Oct 2022
  • onsite

The Journey to Wholeness: A Courage & Renewal Exploration on Bowen Island

  • 02 - 05 Mar 2023
  • onsite

Wayfinding: A Courage & Renewal® Experience on Cortes Island

  • 29 Sep - 03 Oct 2022
  • onsite

The Journey to Wholeness: A Courage & Renewal Exploration In Historic Québec

  • 24 - 27 Nov 2022
  • onsite

Brokenness and Beauty in an Undivided Life

  • 22 Oct 2022
  • onsite

Between Earth and Sky: Unearthing our Hidden Wholeness

  • 18 - 20 Nov 2022
  • onsite

Courage To Lead®

  • 03 - 05 Nov 2022
  • onsite

Welcoming the Inner Teacher: An Introductory Courage to Teach® Retreat

  • 14 - 16 Oct 2022
  • onsite

Remembering our Elemental Connections

  • 11 - 13 Nov 2022
  • onsite

The Journey to Wholeness: A Courage & Renewal Exploration on the Ghost River

  • 17 - 20 Nov 2022
  • onsite

Listening to the Land and Ourselves: Harvesting our 2022 Gardens

  • 06 - 08 Nov 2022
  • onsite

Coming Home to Ourselves: A Six-Session Journey for Women

  • 14 Sep - 30 Nov 2022
  • online

Connecting Deeply: The Inner and Outer Work of Living Undivided

  • 10 Sep - 03 Dec 2022
  • online

Finding Hope in the Storm: A Circle of Trust® Retreat

  • 06 Sep - 18 Oct 2022
  • online

Finding the Still Point: Living and Leading from Your Centre

  • 08 - 10 Jul 2022
  • onsite

Journey Toward Wholeness: A Courage & Renewal® Retreat on Zoom

  • 25 Jun - 06 Aug 2022
  • online

Hope in the Dark: A Courage & Renewal Retreat

  • 09 - 12 Jun 2022
  • onsite
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